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Monday, March 26, 2007

Kit Carson Road, Taos, NM -- Death in the Fast Lane

Four people have died so far this year on a particular stretch of Kit Carson Road in Taos New Mexico. Several people along this deadly stretch of road -- including friends of two recent victims and Captain Daron Syling of the Taos Police Deptartment -- talk about the problems and what needs to be addressed. Video by Rick Romancito, editing and music by Melody Romancito, for The Taos News Media Center.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

John Nichols wishes us luck

John Nichols delivers an expletive-laden rant against GW Bush at a peace rally on Taos Plaza to mark the 4th anniversary of the Iraq War.

Nichols is the author of the New Mexico trilogy, three novels about complex relationships between history, race and ethnicity, and land and water rights in the fictional Chamisaville County, New Mexico.