The Taos News announced Monday, Jan. 7, that it is beefing up its
Media Center by producing videos created by Rick and Melody Romancito.
What started as an experiment by the Romancitos on their private
Taos Experience Web site blossomed into more than 30 videos of Taos personalities and events posted on
Noticing a demand for this type of internet journalism,
The Taos News publisher Chris Baker decided to formalize the media relationship with the Romancitos by placing the growth of the media center in their hands.
The team, award winning fimmaker, photographer, writer and editor Rick Romancito, and his equally recognized wife, a musician, writer and editor, Melody Romancito, has been creating podcasts and videos of Taos events and stories since Fall of 2006. has been online since 2001, and started as a print publication in 1998