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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter: Sunny and warm

Sunday, April 02, 2006

cattle crossing

For the last couple of days there have been cows in our yard. We'd shoo them off, then they'd be right back -- putting the dog in a panic and pooping all over.

Apparently, the came up from the Rio Fernando Creek through a break in the fence. We went down once to see where they might be coming through but couldn't find anything.

Yesterday, a new pickup truck came down our dead-end road. The driver introduced himself as C.B. Trujillo -- the owner of the cows.

I'd heard that name for year before. He used to own the local State Farm Insurance Agengy. He seemed pleased that I knew who he was. I guess it gets a little old explaining who you are to each newcomer that comes into your view.

I did my best to display my knowledge of who lived where and dropping some names I was sure he'd know and be impressed that I was so informed and connected.

C.B. is probably one of the best-known politicos in the area -- with the governor's ear when he needs it. He's part of the Old School Democratic control the county has been under for generations. Retired, he now tends his cows -- grows a few things -- and fends off his significant other's entreaties to move to a gated village in Albuquerque.

C.B. knew who we were. He even knew my byline over the years and when I'd said I will have been here 20 years this October, he knew who the editor at the paper was at this time. Apparently he counts himself as one of Billie Blair's friends.

He gave me his card. It shows his livestock brand and simply says "rancher" and "investor." There is nothing to indicate just how important this fellow is.

We stood and gossiped for about 30 minutes or more, glad to have met...etc. He glowed proudly when I complimented how good looking and well-cared for his cattle seemed. He complimented Rick and I on the things we'd written over the year.

While we spoke, my dog rolled in the cow pie one of his cows had left in our yard. Everything was as it should be.